What Is Sasageyo Meaning In Japanese And What Is Shinzou Wo Sasageyo?

Ronald Lewis

Updated on:

This article is all about Sasageyo meaning which is a Japanese word and has become famous worldwide. If you are an anime fan then you must have heard the term in a very popular anime series Attack On Titan. Let us find out what is it all about.

What Is Sasageyo Meaning?

Sasageyo is a Japanese word that has three different meanings that are

  • To lift or to hold up
  • To offer or to consecrate
  • To sacrifice or to dedicate

It all depends on the context in which the word is used.

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Sasageyo Meme

The Term Sasageyo has been with the memers and there are many memes that are found on the internet regarding the same. Here you can have a look at one of them.

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Sasageyo On TikTok

There are many videos on Tiktok where the term Sasageyo is used or people have explained the meaning of the term there. You can find the videos easily on TikTok.

What Is Sasageyo Meaning in Attack On Titan?

Sasageyo meaning Attack on Titan is related to the opening song of the series. Season 2 of the series Attack on Titan has an opening song which is named “Sasageyo”. The song about the same where it describes the worriers, fighters who have made sacrifices to defeat these giants. 

What Is Shinzou Wo Sasageyo Meaning?

The Opening Song of Attack on Titan is named Sasageyo and it has the term “Shinzou Wo Sasageyo”. The series is about human warriors eating giants and warriors who must defeat them. The song about the same where it describes the worriers, fighters who have made sacrifices to defeat these giants. The term Shinzou Wo Sasageyo means to “dedicate your heart”. It is dedicated to the listeners to dedicate themselves to the big cause.

  • Shinzou means heart
  • Wo is the particle used to join a sentence for an action
  • Sasageyo means to dedicate


As described above the word Sasageyo means to dedicate and the term got viral after it was mentioned in the song of Attack On Titan. The word is very familiar to anime fans especially the ones who are a great fan and followers of the series.


What does Sasageyo Mean?

Sasageyo means Heart and Shinzou Wo Sasageyo means dedicate your heart to.

What does Shinzou no Sasageyo mean?

Shinzou Wo Sasageyo means dedicate your heart and it is a phrase that is used in the theme song of the animated series Attack on Titan.

What Does Ima Kimi Ni Sasageyo Mean?

The meaning of the phrase Ima Kimi Ni Sasageyo is “Now I dedicate myself to you”.

Why is Sasageyo so popular?

The term or word Sasageyo became popular after it was heard in the soundtrack of Attack on Titan’s Season 2 opening track.



